Sunday, 18 October 2009

Insert Witty Couch Reference Here

As a sideline to my research for storm-cloud I ran into a post about a new service from ubuntu one. The post referenced a data store known as CouchDB which is a is a document-oriented database written in Erlang. As I am currently interested in how to store unstructured document data for my RestMS implementation I continued through to a book published by O’Reilly Media on the subject. The book is available to read online for free at CouchDB: The Definitive Guide. I found the first chapter very interesting with a break down of the reason for the project as well as some very insightful quotes from people in the industry relating to distributed data, and access to it.

One thing I find intriguing about this database is it's use of Erlang, a programming language designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory. Having recently had a peek at scala this language was mentioned quite a bit as "another functional language", however I didn't really look into what it was. Having now had a read over the free first chapter of Erlang and OTP in Action and considering my keen interest in concurrency this looks like a must investigate.

So with this all in mind I set out to install couchdb on my opensolaris box in a zone.

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